No matter how excellent your school or staff is, complaints are inevitable. However, you don't lose students because you make a mistake; you lose them when you don't properly handle their complaints. Think of complaints as an opportunity to impress your clients and strengthen their loyalty. Here’s how to effectively manage complaints within 24 hours:

  1. Respond Promptly: Address the complaint within four hours via phone (not email).
  2. Listen Carefully: Pay close attention to the complaint.
  3. Apologize Sincerely: Express regret for any inconvenience caused, whether real or imagined.
  4. Restate the Complaint: Confirm your understanding of the issue by restating it back to the student. “Let me make sure I understand your concern…”
  5. Express Gratitude: Thank the student for bringing the issue to your attention.
  6. Ask for Their Input: Inquire, “What would you like to do?” This is crucial as the student’s request is often less than what you might have anticipated.
  7. Clarify Your Actions: Clearly explain what you are willing and able to do to resolve the issue.
  8. Handle Limitations Gracefully: If you can’t fulfill their request, avoid citing business policy. Instead, use the “feel, felt, found” pattern: “I understand how you feel. Many students have felt the same way. Over time, they found that…” Alternatively, use the “because” bridge: “I understand you want this, this, and this. Because we have to be fair to ALL of our clients, we can only do this in these types of situations. Again, thank you for bringing this to our attention.”
  9. Document and Follow Through: Write down what you promised in your logbook and ensure you follow through.
  10. Send a Thank-You Note: Use to send a thank-you note, possibly including a gift certificate for a local restaurant as a surprise gift.