One Year Marketing Plan


Create a mailing list of every student and a list for prospects.  Compile them into an email list. 

Review at all of your social media profiles and make sure they are professional and engaging. 

Make sure:

1. The contact info is up to date. 

2. Photos are professional looking

3. The header is professionally designed

4. Images are crisp, in focus and not pixilated

5. Rearrange the tabs to put Reviews at the top

To reorder tabs and sections:

          • Go to your Page and click Settings
          • Click Edit Page
          • Click and drag a tab to reorder it
    • 6. Review your entire website, noting pages that have spelling errors or other issues like bad formatting and broken links. Are you missing pages or information?  Is everything up to date? 
    • 7. Rate every students A, B, or C
        • C students: those you might lose
        • B students: those who are solid, but not excited 
        • A students: the ones who love you 
    • 8. Target 10 students to send thank you/appreciation cards to.


1. Research the charities that are most active and respected in your community. For the best results, target a local charity (e.g., the local food bank, not Habitat for Humanity). Choose one to three you like to partner with your school. 

2. Run a Valentine’s Day special and post daily teasers. If you use Facebook, we recommend short messages posted less frequently since the social media community is sensitive to over-promotion. On Valentine’s Day, offer a discount on Facebook or Twitter.

3. Target 10 students to send thank you/appreciation cards to.

4. Rate every students A, B, or C


1. Create a social media content calendar through June using your Valentine’s Day event as a model. Think about the types of posts you want to get across each week or day, but leave room for topical and timely content too. Make sure only 20% of your posts are promotional and 80% provide value or drive engagement. 

2. Contact the charities you researched last month and find out how you can partner with them throughout the year. 

3. Repair all broken links and other problems with your website so it’s professional, simple and functional. 

4. Send your students an email offering a free school t-shirt for anyone who posts on social media his or her favorite thing about your school (make sure you ask them to tag your social media accounts!). 

5. Create a referral program and “soft launch” it with your A students first.

6. Start planning for summer. 

7. Target 10 students to send thank you/appreciation cards to.

8. Rate every students A, B, or C


1. Make a plan with one of your partner charities to have a joint event in
May. Mention it on your website and via social media. When you have the details ironed out, send a press release to your local paper. You can also create posts and flyers you can put up in your school, or put info and a banner about it on your website. 

2. Send your monthly e-newsletter to your email list. As always, it should include a special offer for loyalty or social sharing like the free t-shirt offer.

3. Target 10 students to send thank you/appreciation cards to.

4. Rate every students A, B, or C


1. Execute your social media content calendar. Remember to plan out content for each month, be timely and relevant and schedule your posts. May is a great month to focus on spring content or offer your fans and followers a spring promotion. 

2. Execute your social media content calendar. Remember to plan out content for each month, be timely and relevant and schedule your posts. May is a great month to focus on spring content or offer your fans and followers a spring promotion. 

3. Send your monthly newsletter. 

4. Host your joint charity event. If possible and appropriate, your efforts should raise funds and awareness for several weeks and end with an event during which you give the charity the proceeds. Alert local press. Invite your students – especially C students. 

5. Target 10 students to send thank you/appreciation cards to.

6. Rate every students A, B, or C


1. Choose a day in July for a student appreciation event. 

a. Call each of your C customers and invite them personally.

b. Announce the event to your A and B customers via social media and email. 

2. Send a reminder out about your referral program. If necessary, up the ante with a special bonus for students clients brought in this month. 

3. Establish Facebook and Twitter lists of your students/parents, competitors, local charities you work with and local press. Facebook and Twitter lists are a great way to publicly or privately keep track of people\or organizations.

4. Send your next newsletter. At the end of this newsletter, include a call for questions. Offer a t-shirt for anybody who sends in a question about your school

5. Connect with another of the charities you’ve selected. Set up an event for July and promote it just as enthusiastically as you did the first.  

6. Start planning for back to school.

7. Target 10 students to send thank you/appreciation cards to.

8. Rate every students A, B, or C


1. Execute your social media plan. Post the answers to the questions sent
in response to your June newsletter. 

2. Send your next newsletter. 

3. Hold your next charity event with all of the promotions you did in May. 

4. Target 10 students to send thank you/appreciation cards to.

5. Rate every students A, B, or C


1. August is halftime – a month where things tend to lag a bit because people are on vacation or holding back because school’s about to start. 

2. Review your stats to make sure you’re on track

3. Launch your back to school campaign

4. Start planning for Christmas shopping day, events, and special offers

5. Start planning for your Awards Banquet.

6. Contact the charity with which had the most successful partnership and schedule a third initiative for late October/early November 

7. Reach out to at least 10 local or related businesses to see which ones would be willing to do some holiday cross promotions 

8. Target 10 students to send thank you/appreciation cards to.

9. Rate every students A, B, or C


1. Host a Bully Prevention Seminar

2. Offer to teach PE class at local schools

3. Offer to demos at local schools

4. Create Perfect Attendance contest throughout the school. Reward kids who have perfect school attendance with prizes.

5. Target 10 students to send thank you/appreciation cards to.

6. Rate every students A, B, or C


1. Execute your social media plan. It’s the month of Halloween – what kind
of fun promotions can you think up for your social media accounts? Maybe host a costume contest for your customers and post pictures on your Facebook page. 

2. Send your monthly e-newsletter. Include a small section of the most interesting answers from last month’s question. 

3. Begin your charity initiative in mid-October. Plan the wrap-up and celebration for the second week of November. 

4. Sit down with the local businesses you contacted and come up with a plan for cross-promotions in November and early December like referrals, packaged promotions and shared advertising to place your group as a whole ahead of the rest of the pack. Promote each other on social media, your websites and your email newsletter. 

5. Target 10 students to send thank you/appreciation cards to.

6. Rate every students A, B, or C


1. Execute your social media plan. 

2. Host your Christmas shopping day the weekend before Black Friday.

3. Send out your monthly newsletter. In addition to highlighting your promotions, be sure to thank your customers around Thanksgiving.

4. Work the coordinated plan you set up with your friendly local businesses. 

5. Target 10 students to send thank you/appreciation cards to.

6. Rate every student A, B, or C


1. Execute your social media plan. 

2. Review your stats for the year. 

3. Plan to get away for a day at a local 5-star hotel where you will do your goal setting for the New Year.

4. Express your heartfelt thanks in your newsletter and social media