Before Class: Engaging and Preparing Students

  • Five Minutes Before: Engage with the students to gauge their mood. Are they tired or energetic? This can guide your approach to the warm-up. Offer a listening ear to students who need to discuss any challenges or their thoughts on upcoming exams.

  • Two Minutes Before: Start organizing the class by height, placing shorter students at the front. Use this time for informal interactions, such as discussing martial arts or what to expect in class. Always maintain a respectful and age-appropriate communication style.

During Class: Efficiently Managing Time and Focus

  • Warm-Ups: Tailor warm-up activities to the class theme. If sparring is planned, focus on movement drills and combinations rather than static exercises. Remember, stretching is part of the workout; ensure students are warm enough to stretch effectively without risk of injury.

  • Class Management: Learn to read the instructor’s cues. If the instructor is demonstrating, you may wander to make corrections, or provide a model for the students if the instructor is moving around the room. Coordinate with other leadership team members to ensure all areas of the room are covered, providing visible models for all students.

  • Corrections: Offer guidance gently and suggestively rather than commandingly. Phrases like “let me help you blade your foot” are generally more effective and respectful than abrupt commands. It’s crucial to maintain a positive and encouraging tone, helping students feel valued and respected.

After Class: Seeking Out and Supporting Students

  • Engage Quiet Students: Don’t overlook the silent students. Make an effort to engage them in conversation, asking about their progress and any challenges they might be facing. These interactions can make a significant difference in their martial arts journey.

  • Support Struggling Students: After class, offer to review material with students who struggled. The leadership team acts as a bridge between busy instructors and students needing extra attention, ensuring no one is left behind.

Implementing These Practices:

By implementing these time management and engagement strategies, leadership team members can significantly enhance the learning experience, ensuring classes run smoothly and all students receive the attention and support they need. This approach not only improves the quality of instruction but also fosters a supportive and inclusive community within the martial arts school.