Prior to the Exam

Parents turn in Intent to Promote forms.  Students arrive to the exam in clean and pressed uniforms with their belts tied properly and school patches in place.  Students also have gym-bags containing their personal items such as clothes and shoes, water bottles and any materials instructor requires for their participation in regular classes. 

Exam Requirements

The idea behind “Partner Training” is that every aspect of the test is performed by the students in pairs. The instructor evaluates how well students perform in unison with their partners as well as the quality of interaction between each pair.

Students are able to “line up” in pairs quickly and efficiently in straight lines and the proper utilization of the floor space available. 

Student’s are able to perform the “form” from the Level 1 curriculum,  exactly together and without a count from the instructor. They are able to stay together on the Four-Corner Blacking w/ counter drill and the footwork, while facing each other.

Younger children perform the Combo #1 with an instructor holding the punching mitts, older children hold for each other. The students should face each other for kicking and be able to kick back and forth with a considerable amount of intensity and interaction. 

The grappling positions are all performed in pairs and the children are expected to be able to hold the control positions for a reasonable amount of time while their partner struggles to escape. Students then recite the “Black Belt Success System” and are able to explain the concepts.

Instructor calls two or more children out of the testing group to “compete” against each other in intensity, speed and precision.  The instructor addresses the children and audience briefly about the power and value of a “rating one’s self on a scale from 1 to 10.”

Instructor then inquires whether each participant’s room is clean (if the student’s room isn’t clean, they can get their new belt, but they can’t wear it until they’ve cleaned their room thoroughly), congratulates students, awards their belts and dismissed the group.

Approximate Test Timeline

2 Minutes Students Line up and bow in.

2 Minutes Form #1 without a count.

5 Minutes Four Corner Blocking w/Counters

5 Minutes kicking

5 Minutes grappling

2 Minutes Black Belt Success System

2 Minutes Wrap-up.

Total time: 23 Minutes.