Selling merchandise effectively in your martial arts school isn't just about keeping items on display; it's about strategic suggestive selling and capitalizing on the respect and admiration your students have for their instructors. Here's a comprehensive guide on how to increase your merchandise sales by leveraging the power of suggestive selling and other strategic approaches.

1. Utilize Suggestive Selling

Suggestive selling is a subtle yet powerful way to increase merchandise sales without being overtly salesy. It involves recommending products through casual mentions during classes or by wearing the merchandise yourself. If instructors and high-ranking staff members consistently wear school-branded apparel and use the school’s gear, students will likely want to emulate their look.

2. Role Model New and Clean Gear

Change the old mindset that worn-out uniforms and gear are badges of honor. Instead, ensure that all staff members use and display new, clean, and sharp-looking gear. This not only sets a standard of professionalism but also subtly encourages students to update their own gear regularly.

3. Promote Through Required Reading and Viewing

Books and videos are perfect for selling in your martial arts school because they complement the training. Make it a routine to hand new students a recommended reading and viewing list as part of their welcome package. List essential books and instructional videos that can enhance their learning experience. This approach naturally integrates merchandise sales into their educational journey.

4. Incorporate Merchandise in Programs

Incorporate merchandise costs into program fees where applicable. For example, include a relevant training video as part of the examination fee. This not only ensures that all students have the necessary resources but also boosts your sales and the perceived value of your programs.

5. Target the Entire Community

Don’t limit your sales efforts to students alone. Consider the potential for selling merchandise to their family members. Offer items that parents might use, like school-branded golf shirts, coffee mugs, or practice equipment they can use at home with their child. This broadens your customer base within the same families.

6. Create a Merchandise Checklist

Develop a checklist of potential sales for both students and their parents for their first year and beyond. This list might include protective gear, uniforms, casual wear, and other accessories. Regularly review this checklist with your staff to ensure that they are aware of all the items new students and their families might need or want.

7. Make Purchasing Easy

Ensure that buying merchandise is as convenient as possible. Set up an intuitive and accessible display in your school, offer simple payment options, and consider setting up an online store to cater to the digital preferences of your community.


By implementing these strategies, your martial arts school can transform its approach to selling merchandise from passive to dynamic. Suggestive selling, showcasing merchandise through staff usage, and integrating products into your school’s programs are all effective ways to enhance sales and improve the financial health of your business.